VLC Codec Pack supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files. VLC Codec Pack includes VLC Player to help with broken or poorly encoded files.
Package components:
- ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130123 x86 Revision 4500.
- ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130123 x64 Revision.
- LAV Video decoder 0.55.1 x86 & x64.
- XviD Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.2.
- Lagarith Lossless Video (Encoder) Codec v1.3.27 x86 & x64.
- Flash video splitter and decoder v1.6.5.6366 x86 & x64.
- AC3Filter v2.5b AC3 and DTS Decoder x86 & x64.
- LAV Audio Decoder 0.55.1 x86 & x64.
- DivX Audio Decoder 4.1
- Lame MP3 v3.98.2 ACM encoder and decoder codec.
- DSP-worx bass source filter and decoder v1.5.1.0.
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